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Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms

A glossary of computer and Internet terms with definitions that are easy to understand.
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There are 32 entries in the glossary.
Pages: 1
Term Definition


B2B or Business to Business is electronic commerce that takes place in very high volumes and is usually made up of automated processes between different vending partners.


B2C or Business to Consumer is ecommerce that occurs publically through Teleshopping or webshops.


Backbone is system used to carry data to the smaller transmission lines in a network. A local backbone is made up of network lines that connect several LANs together, this creates a wide area network which is linked by the backbone connection.


Backlinks are the incoming links to a website from other websites.

Backside Bus

Backside and Frontside buses are used to carry data back and forth from a computers CPU. The Frontside bus does this between the memory and CPU whilse the Backside bus moves data in and out of the computer's L2 cache. As this data is frequently used it is stored near to the processor, and as a result the computer's CPU can work much faster. Often the Backside bus is as fast as the processor.


Bandwidth is a word used to describe the amount of data that can be sent down a digital connection is a certain time period i.e how many bytes can be sent per second.

Banner Ad

Banner Ads are the advertising links that are often across the top or down the sides of a webpage. They create revenue for the website owner and they can then offer free content.

Base Station

Base Stations are used by wireless computers as an access point. Base Stations are made by Apple Computer, Netgear and others. Every wireless card in a computer can work with any Base Station regardless of manufacturer.


BASIC or Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code was developed in the 1960s and is a computer programming language that enables people to write simplified programs. Now it has changed and grown and can be used to create more complex programs.


Baud is a unit of measurement that states how many electrical signals per second, are sent to networks, modems and other data transfer devices.

Beta Software

Beta Software is software that is still in it's testing phase, it can contain bugs,errors and other problems which are ironed out before the software becomes availble to the general public. If there is a b in a program's properties it is beta software.


The Binary system is a numerical system with only two digits and all computers use it to function. It is favoured because the switches inside a computer can be either on or off (1 or 0) in order to work correctly.


BIOS is pre-installed on every Windows computer and means Basic Input/Output System. It is used when the computer starts up and it checks all the devices and hardware connections on a computer. If everything is functioning the boot up process will begin.


A Bit is the smallest unit of stored computer data. It is a single digit number and normally a page that is full of just text will contain around 16,000 Bits.


A Bitmap is a collection of dots (or bits) that when viewed together form a picture. JPEG, GIF, PCX and TIFF are all commonly known forms of Bitmaps. The only downside to a Bitmap is that on closer inspection they are very blocky, so for more detailed work it may be better to use CoralDraw or other Vector graphics packages.


A blog is an online diary or journal that is usually in chronlogical order that is normally about one topic. The entries are known as posts and people can comment on these posts on a blog.


Blu-ray is a recently developed optical disk format which can be used for holding huge amounts of data in HD format. One disk is capable of containing 25GB of data - a CD can only hold 700MB of data while a DVD can hold 4.7GB.


Bluetooth is a wireless connection that is used to transmit data between Bluetooth enabled devices at short range. Laptops, PDAs and mobile phones as well as scanners and printers use Bluetooth frequently.


BMP is the shortened version of Bitmap and is used for saving images and is a raster graphic format.


A Bookmark is function used very much like a tradional bookmark except it is used to bookmark Websites. These are more commonly known as 'favourites' on Internet Explorer and they enable a user to go directly to a website at the click of the mouse.


Boolean is the artifical logic that a computer uses to decide if something is true or false. Boolean uses 4 operators AND, NOT, OR and XOR and it is the combination of true and false within these operators that allows a computer to come to a true or false decision.


Boot is the word used to describe turning a computer on. By turning on your computer you are 'booting' it up.

Boot Disk

A Boot Disk is the term used to describe a disk which a computer can boot up from. They are usually an internal hard drive which is loaded as the computer boots.


Bots are usually used online and they are software programs that are automated and perform specific functions when ordered to. For example they can monitor online chat rooms and can throw people who do not abide by the rules of the chat room out.


Bridges connect LANs together and allow for faster transmission of data between them. A bridge is much faster than a router, but it cannot act as a firewall like the majority of routers do.

Bridge Page

Bridge Pages are used on the Internet and are Web pages which are desinged to be high ranking for certain keywords or phrases which once entered trick you into viewing a different Web page. There are many different names for them including: gateway pages, zebra pages and jump pages.


Broadband is the term used to describe the high speed transmission of data through a single cable. Cable modems are the most popular connection to Internet broadband with DSL being secondary as they use a phone line and are falling out offavour as they are not as fast as Broadband.


A browser is a program that allows a person to access and view pages the Internet. It deciphers the HTML code and presents it neatly formatted on your screen.


Buffer is the term used to describe a method of holding a tiny amount of data before it is needed, and it is usually held in the computer's RAM. The best example of this is when you want to watch a video clip on the Internet the buffer will hold the first 15-20% of the video and then begin to play it. The remaining 75-80% of the video will load as it plays allowing for reduced stalling or skipping.


Burn is term used to described how a CD-writer writes data on a CD. The laser used is highly powered and 'burns' the surface of the CD with the data that is being written to it.


A Bus inside a computer is used to transfer data up and down and is made up of sets of wires. There are several buses inside a computer and they are all different sizes (32 bit or 64 bit for example) and this has an impact on how much data can be transfered at any time.


A byte is a single character made up of a set of eight bits that is inside a computer's memory. These bytes are used to measure the size of files, the space remaining on a hard disk or RAM. One kilobyte is equal to 1024 bytes.

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