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Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms

A glossary of computer and Internet terms with definitions that are easy to understand.
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There are 20 entries in the glossary.
Pages: 1
Term Definition


E-Commerce is a term used to describe any business conducted over the Internet. There are two main forms of E-Commerce and they are B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer)


E-Mail is a way of sending messages to other people with E-Mail addresses via the Internet.


Edutainment is a mixture of two words education and entertainment and it is a form of electronic learning that is also entertaining.


Emoticons are mixtures of symbols that are used to represent other things in text : ) for example is meant to show a smiley face.


Encryption is the term used when data is mixed up and scrambled so it cannot be read without it first being decoded by the correct decoding key.

End User

When computer hardware or software is developed it is developed for an end user (the person who will be using it).


EPC is the term used that means for Earnings Per Click.


EPS (Encapsulate PostScript) is a format of image files that is only compatable with PostScript printers. It is mainly used for file transference between different graphics applications.


EPV stands for Earnings Per Visitor.

Error 400

Error 400 (Bad Request) is the term used when a person tried to get a computer to perform an invalid demand.

Error 401

Error 401 (Unauthorised) is the term used when a client does not have the required amount of authorisation to enter a site.

Error 403

Error 403 (Forbidden) is the term used when a request is not allowed as the requester does not have access.

Error 404

Error 404 (Not Found) is the term used when something that has been requested no longer exists.

Error 500

Error 500 (Internal Server Error) is the term used when the server found an unknown problem and cannot continue with a request to a URL.

Error 501

Error 501 (Not Implemented) is the term used when a server doesn't support a called protocol or service type.

Error 503

Error 503 (Service Unavailable) is the term used when a connection times out because the server took too much time to answer.


Ethernet is the term for the most popular connection computers in a LAN utilise. Ethernet ports are slightly bigger than a normal phone jack.


EUP (Enterprise Unified Process) is the software development method that enables the production of software in an organised way. EUP is made up of six phrases: Inception in which the project begins and its merits looked at. Elaboration in which costs and other development issues are discussed and evaluated. Construction in which the software is created, tested and written. Transition in which the software is put on public release and any problems from the end users are noted and acted upon. Production in which the software is maintained and kept active by the developers and supporting staff. And finally retirement in which the software is decommissioned or retired and production ceases, this usually happens when a newer version is created.


An Exabyte is expressed as 2 to the 60th power or 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes, however it is so big that it is seldom used.


An Exbibyte is expressed as 2 to the 60th power, or 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes and an exbibyte is a single unit of data storage.

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