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Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms

A glossary of computer and Internet terms with definitions that are easy to understand.
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There are 19 entries in the glossary.
Pages: 1
Term Definition


VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier) is used with a VPI to show where an ATM needs to move over a network. As this is a data transfer method the VCI that is contained in every ATM cell determines the fixed channel that the packet has to be sent. As these virtual channels are so strictly defined it prevents interference with other data on the network.


Vectors are definitions of the paths that are used to create EPS files and Adobe Illustrator documents. The term is also used in computer science and is a one dimensional array.

Vector Graphic

Vector Graphics are images that are made up of paths (unlike JPEGs, BMPs and GIFs which are made up of pixels) and these paths can go in any direction and make up any shape but they all have a start and ending points. As vector graphics are made up of these paths they can be scaled up or down and not lose any quality.


Veronica (Very Easy rodent-Oriented Netwide Index to Computerised Archives) allows a user to search all of the gopher servers in the world using keywords and then it will list all of those gopher menu's that have the keywords in the. Newer versions will search newsgroups and Web pages although unlike a search engine it will still only look for the keywords in the title of a document, not in the text.


VFAT (Virtual File Allocation Table) is used in operating systems newer than Windows 95 and is responsible for organising and accessing files on a computers hard drive. VFAT Files can also have names that are up to 225 characters long.


VGA (Video Graphics Array) is IBM developed and is used in most computers today and is a standard display or monitor interface. The most recent version allows resolutions which are larger than 640?80.

Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing is a method used to manipulate social networks that already exist in order to further awareness of a brand or product.

Virtual Domain

A Virtual Domain is a way of redirecting a URL if it exists in type but not on a server. There are services that will do this and it is normally favoured by sites that have a very long and complicated URL - the shortened URL will be typed but the traffic is redirected to your longer URL.

Virtual Hosting

Virtual hosting is the term used to describe the way that Web servers can host multiple domain names on one computer and IP address.

Virtual Memory

Virtual Memory is a way of increasing your computers memory without altering the amount of RAM that is installed. Most computers will only support a certain amount of RAM and sometimes needs more and this is where virtual memory comes in. Your computer will use up places that are in it's memory where additional data can be stored. The hard disk is normally used for this but it does slow down the computer. In order for your computer to run better you should try to have the maximum amount of RAM allowed for the machine.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality is a way of putting yourself via computer simulations (using a headset and specialised glasses) into a virtual world. Virtual Reality is mostly used to entertain but it can be helpful in training people in the medical and military fields.


A computer virus is a malevolent program or sometimes a script that once inside your computer will do a lit of damage. Virus's can remove or change files, use up your computers memory and generally make using your computer a nightmare. In order to prevent attack by a virus never open suspicious emails and make sure you have Anti-virus software on your computer and remember to scan your computer regularly.


VLB (VESA Local Bus) is a term used to describe a hardware interface that is located on a computer's motherboard and is attached to an expansion slot and adds extra graphics to your computer. It is little used now however.


VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) is a telephone line that is used over the Internet. The information is digitally sent and using VoIP is free so eliminates long distance phone call bills. In order to use VoIP you need (as well as a computer and Internet access) VoIp software which can be downloaded for free and a microphone and speakers, although you can buy VoIP telephones and headsets.


Volume in computer terms means devices such as DVD drives, hard drives and other devices such as USB keychain drives. As long as the computer recognises the file system within them it can read them. On Mac computers any volumes that are interfaced with the computer will be on the desktop.


VPI (Virtual Path Identifier) is a header that has 8-bits that is inside each ATM cell that tells the ATM where to route the packet data to. Many ISPs use this method to transfer data between client computers.


VPN (Virtual Private Network) is used mainly by large companies as it encrypts all the data being transferred via the Internet so that it cannot be seen. Hence the term "Virtual Private Network" it is similar to having the Intranet via the Internet.


VRAM (Video Access Random Memory) is used to keep the images that your computer shows on the screen. When an image is meant to be displayed the processor will read it then write it to VRAM. This is then decoded and displayed on the screen. Images can be read and written by VRAM at the same time to prevent images from flickering. VRAM has several types, the most popular being Synchronous Graphics RAM which is synchronised with a clock, this means it handles data more efficiently and in one operation. Rambus Dynamic RAM is the best kind for video editing and the choice of many professionals.


VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) is method of creating virtual 3D tours of places and buildings, these interactive navigation tours can also be used to allow people to see inside vehicles from their Web browser.

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