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Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms

A glossary of computer and Internet terms with definitions that are easy to understand.
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There are 17 entries in the glossary.
Pages: 1
Term Definition

Name Server

A Name Server is used to translate domain names to IP addresses, this means you don’t have to know the IP address in order to get onto a Web site, you can just type in the domain name instead. Every domain name must have at least two servers when it is registered. This is in order to provide backup if the first server is down.


NAT (Network Address Translation) is used to translate a number of computer IP addresses that are on a local network into one IP address. This tends to be used by the router to connect the computer to the network. An extra security level is added as if any other computer from outside of the network tries to access any of the computers it will only see the routers IP address.

Native File

A Native File is a file that can only be saved and recognised by the program it was created in. The "Save As" command allows you to save a file in a different format, Microsoft Word for example can save files in .txt or .rtf formats even though they are not the native formats.


NetBIOS (Network Basic Input / Output System) was created by IBM as an improvement on BIOS. BIOS is an interface between a computers hardware and it's operating system. NetBIOS adds networking options to the standard.


Netiquette is the ettiquette a person should follow when using the Internet, this includes things like not doing anything that is likely to upset or annoy other people. Online chat rooms, newsgroups and e-mails are three areas where netiquette is very important. If you are unsure about the netiquette of a chat room you are in you should take some time to watch others and see how they behave.


A Network is the term used for a group of connected computers in order to share data.


A Newbie is a person who is new to using the Internet or any other technology.


A Newsgroup is a form of online chat room where people talk about a certain topic. Messages are posted to the news server and these are then sent to everyone on the list for that group. Newsgroups can be moderated or unmoderated (a moderator will decide what messages can be shown to everyone else).


NIC (Network Interface Card) is used to connect a computer and a network cable. Such cards come in Base-T Configurations of 10,100 or 1,000. A 100 card can support data transfer speeds of 100 Mbps and they come in PCI and ISA versions.


NNTP (News Network Transfer Protocol) is used by newsgroups to interact between the newsreader programs and the news servers. It is basically responsible for the functioning of a newsgroup.


NOC (Network Operations Centre) is the term used for the location of a company's networking equipment and their servers. NOCs can either be internal or externally located and most small company's tend to have their's internally, whereas larger company's will have a specific location dedicated to their NOC.


Node is the name given to any device or system that is connected to a network. A network could have a file server, four computers and three printers and this would mean it had eight nodes on it. As every device on the network has its own network address it is easy to keep track of where data is going to and from.


NTFS (New Technology File System) is a system of filing that was introduced by Windows NT and is more reliable than previous file systems. It includes fault tolerance which is method of repairing hard drive errors without an error message being displayed. As detailed transaction logs are kept most hard disk errors are prevented and if an error does occur it is possible to recover files.


NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) is the North American standard for video, it uses 525 lines per frame which is less than PAL but the frame rate is higher than PALs at 30 per second which results in a lower resolution than PAL but a smoother motion.


Null is used when something has no value. It is not 0 as 0 has a value. In boolean tests 0 and null both have a false value and as a result boolean texts are favoured by programmers as they will show if a variable has a value or not.

Null Character

A Null Character has all it's bits at zero. The numeric value is zero and normally represents the end of a character string and is used by programmers in when determining the length of a string. In databases null characters can be used to fill in any blanks.


A Nybble is 4 bits and therefore half of a byte. A nybble can have 16 possible values and it can be called a 'hex digit'. Nybbles can be called 'quadbits' in data communications as they have 4 bits.

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